Greenville Small Business Fraud Defense Lawyer

Running a small business is a challenging and gratifying endeavor for many Americans. As a small business owner, you have the opportunity to see your dream come to fruition and work on your own schedule. However, being accused of fraud while pursuing that dream can be devastating.

A Greenville small business fraud defense lawyer can advocate on your behalf. At Ellis Hinton, LLC, based in Greenville, servicing SC and beyond, we help our clients build a strong defense. Contact our experienced fraud attorneys now and confidently mount your defense.

State Embezzlement Law

In South Carolina, § 16-13-230: Breach of Trust with Fraudulent Intent covers activities often referred to as embezzlement. A breach of trust with fraudulent intent occurs when someone takes property that is not theirs for personal use.

Some examples of small business fraud charges include stealing cash, committing payroll fraud, and misuse of company assets. A person can be convicted of breach of trust with fraudulent intent if the government proves:

  • The existence of a fiduciary relationship between the accused and the other party
  • The other party entrusted the accused with personal assets
  • The accused used the assets for personal gain
  • The accused deliberately and knowingly intended to deprive the other party of their assets

Individuals charged with breach of trust with fraudulent intent may face misdemeanor or felony charges. These charges can result in fines, jail time, and a permanent criminal record. A Greenville attorney can explain state embezzlement law and its implications for small business fraud convictions in more detail.

The Unfair Trade Practices Act

The South Carolina Unfair Trade Practices Act protects consumers and competitors from certain unfair business practices. More specifically, the act regulates behaviors like methods of competition, forms of advertisement, and product representation.

Some examples of unfair trade practices include:

  • Exploiting vulnerable customers using high-pressure sales tactics
  • Using predatory pricing to gain an advantage over business competitors
  • Bait-and-switch sales tactics, such as substituting a cheaper product for a more expensive one
  • Making false or misleading claims in advertisements

The South Carolina Attorney General, any person suffering significant losses, and the city or county attorney may bring suit upon approval of the Attorney General. Those found in violation of the Act can be fined up to $5,000. An injunction may also be imposed to stop certain behaviors during the pendency of the case or after judgment.

How Our Defense Lawyer Can Help

A Greenville lawyer can be essential to your defense when you have been accused of small business fraud charges. An attorney can help you understand the charges against you, explain the allegations made by the government, and the implications of those charges on your business.

At Ellis Hinton, LLC, our lawyers can thoroughly investigate your case and represent you during court hearings and plea negotiations with the prosecutor. Our team leverages years of federal and state prosecutorial experience to develop a personalized defense strategy.

Speak With a Greenville Small Business Fraud Defense Attorney

Facing fraud allegations can significantly impact your personal and professional life. For small business owners, this can mean the loss of trust with customers, employees, and co-owners. It can also tarnish your relationship with family and friends.

Understanding the charges against you and how to defend against these allegations is vital to your business’s integrity. Call a Greenville small business fraud defense lawyer at Ellis Hinton, LLC, now for a consultation. We are ready and waiting to assist you.