South Carolina takes fraud very seriously. A conviction of such a crime could lead to many years in prison and significant fines. If you were charged with fraud, you must obtain legal counsel. Otherwise, you may not be able to protect your rights.
A proficient Greenville fraud lawyer can investigate the case, collect proper evidence, and build a strong defense. With competent legal assistance, you maximize the chances of the desired case outcome. Call Ellis Hinton today to speak with a skilled criminal defense attorney.
The most common fraud charges a Greenville fraud lawyer can help fight against include the following:
Regardless of the nature of the fraud, the accused individual could face significant penalties. Without a Greenville fraud attorney, they could face maximum punishment.
Fraud in South Carolina can lead to both state and federal charges. The charges can range from a misdemeanor to a felony. For example, insurance fraud can be a misdemeanor when the amount is less than $10,000. After $10,000, it turns into a felony. Penalties can vary from 30 days to 10 years in prison.
A seasoned fraud lawyer in Greenville can evaluate your case and build a defense to reduce or drop the charges. They can fight to decrease the penalties so you can avoid incarceration.
Building a strong defense in a fraud case requires a comprehensive legal approach. A dedicated attorney can use a combination of defenses to achieve the desired outcome, such as:
Fraud charges often require proof of intent to deceive or defraud. A defense strategy may focus on demonstrating that the accused did not act with fraudulent intent. For example, a fraud lawyer in Greenville may argue that the alleged actions resulted from a clerical error rather than willful deception.
A strong defense may challenge the prosecution’s ability to provide enough evidence to prove the fraud allegations beyond a reasonable doubt. This can involve questioning the credibility of witnesses or disputing the authenticity of documents.
Your lawyer may argue entrapment if law enforcement induced you to commit the fraudulent act. This strategy contends that you would not have committed fraud without pressure from someone else, such as an undercover agent.
When you are charged with fraud, you must work with a legal professional who can protect your rights. Otherwise, you may be facing serious consequences.
We have state and federal criminal defense experience at Ellis Hinton, LLC. We work hard to help people avoid unfair penalties. Our firm is based in Greenville, servicing SC and beyond. Contact our Greenville fraud lawyers for a consultation today.